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My Child Has a Toothache. What Can I Do?

As adults, toothaches can quickly ruin an otherwise lovely day, but how about for kids?

How much worse is it for a little kid who doesn’t know what’s happening? Toothaches have a variety of causes, and most of them are worth visiting the dentist, especially if they persist for days. But what if the toothache comes after hours or during the holidays? What can parents do?

Toothache Causes

The cause of a child’s toothache could be as simple as teething, which is a normal part of development. If it isn’t teething, it’s most likely tooth decay, gum disease, an abscess, inflamed pulp, or a cracked tooth. An impacted tooth can also be uncomfortable, as can tooth sensitivity.

Managing Discomfort

A child’s toothache is usually worth a visit to the dentist, but if that isn’t possible at first, here are a few tips for managing their discomfort in the meantime:

  1. Have them swish and spit warm salt water to reduce inflammation.
  2. Apply a cold compress to their cheek near the sore area.
  3. Give them over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication for children.
  4. Brush and floss daily and schedule regular dental visits to prevent future toothaches!

The Dentist Is Here to Help!

Any oral health symptom that has you worried as a parent could be worth a visit to the dentist. If it’s not a serious problem, we can put your mind at ease, and if it is, we can treat it and encourage good habits and precautions going forward.

We love our patients!

The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.