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Payment & Dental Benefits

At Latimer Dental Arts, we treat patients based on their needs for care, not based on what a policy may or may not cover.  Being contracted (in-network) would limit our time and ability to use the highest-quality materials and labs.  For those reasons, Dr. Latimer is an out-of-network provider with all benefit or insurance companies.  We choose to provide the best care possible for our patients, and help maximize any out-of-network benefits by filing all of our services and providing supplemental diagnostic information as needed.  We can also file a predetermination to help estimate your benefits in advance.

Payment is due at the time services are rendered.  If you have dental insurance, we file your claims as a courtesy, and your out-of-network benefits will be paid directly to the policyholder. 

We offer various financial resources to help dental care fit within your budget.  We offer no-interest and extended payment plans through Care Credit or Lending Club; click on these links to apply easily and see available plans.  We also accept all major credit cards, as well as FSA and HSA cards.

Click on the links below to apply to one of our payment programs:

Lending Club:

Apply to Lending ClubWith Lending Club, moving forward with treatment just got a whole lot easier.  The application process is quick and we will give you an answer the same day.

Lending Club offers no-interest financing in terms of 6 or 12 months.  They also offer flexible payment plans up to 84 months at competitive interest rates for financing up to $50,000 on dental procedures.  There are no upfront payments or prepayment penalties.

Care Credit:

Apply to Care CreditCareCredit is a healthcare credit card that allows you to make convenient monthly payments over a fixed period of time.  Once you are approved, you can use it again and again at any location that accepts CareCredit.  CareCredit extends special financing offers to help you pay for the dental treatments that you typically can’t get when using your Visa or MasterCard.  We offer shorter-term 0% interest financing for 6 and 12 months.  We also offer extended terms at reduced interest rates for 24, 36, 48, and 60 months.  CareCredit helps make getting a beautiful smile possible… today!  Use this QR code to get started with Care Credit: